Year 5
A warm welcome to Year 5 from
Mrs Burrows and Miss Pace
Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Year 5 will have Maths, English and RE homework weekly.
Children have 'mini maths' homework Mon-Thurs. These are short maths activities that allow the children to continually revisit maths concepts and calculations throughout the year.
Children should read daily for 30 minutes with their reading diary signed by an adult.
Here is a great link if you are looking for book recommendations:
Century Tech:
You can access Century Tech through this link:
The children should have their username and password in their reading diaries. It should be:
The first 3 letters of their first name, full stop, first 3 letters of their surname, day and month of birth e.g.
There may be additional homework set for other foundation subjects, this will be shared in advance with a separate due date if needed.
Parent's Presentation
Reading ideas
Maths Games