Autumn Term
Through our RE lessons this half term we have introduced our class saint – Saint Teresa. We will be using cross-curricular skills such as art to represent our findings from the bible. Throughout this the children learn about religion; knowledge and understanding of and learn from religion; reflecting on meaning.
English and Guided Reading
The teaching in English will be based upon a variety of text types, including instructions, non-chronological reports and narrative setting descriptions - all of which will be contextualised for the children, linking either to another curriculum area or book.
We will be studying ‘Street Child’ By Berlie Doherty as a part of our guided reading sessions. During these sessions we continue to develop our reading skills such as inference, retrieval and making connections.
Our 'Reading for Pleasure' book is Zombierella, which is a brilliant narrative poem chapter book!
This term will be focusing on place value and children will be extending our learning of multiplication and division, fractions as well as decimals and percentages. We will be working with concrete and abstract materials in Year 5. The children will continue to have 'mini maths' homework, reminding them of mathematical concepts that we have covered so far, ensuring fluency.
We will practise our KIRF during fluency, as well as the children practising at home.
We are looking at ‘Coasts and Deserts’ as our topic. This topic will allow us to think about the impact humans have on the planet and the areas around us as well as across the globe. We will be learning lots of definitions, so please quiz us at the end of the year!
In Science, we are investigating forces as well as properties of materials. In science we will be focusing on conducting fair tests and devising our tests using variables. We will be using the post it note method to plan. Our challenge is to include as much key vocabulary as possible within our conclusions.
Throughout the term, Year 5 will be delving into the past and will be exploring the lives and traumas of living during the Victorian era. They will investigate life as a Victorian in workhouses, as investors and in schools. We will then move on to look at the local Victorian history, which will include trips with a special focus on the important people and monuments in our town.
We will continue to have a specialist DT teacher who will help the children in lots of different ways. The children will continue to work through projects from the planning stage all the way to creating and evaluating. We will post some of their projects to here or the Facebook page – keep your eyes peeled!
Miss Bennett will use her brilliant knowledge to continue to develop the skills of our musicians! We will focus our learning on the link between melody and harmony, and develop our ability to sing and play in different styles. Whilst at home, you may wish to complete tasks about our musician of the month and listen to some songs as a whole family.
For Art this term, we will be studying the famous artist Lowry. We will investigate colour using a range of watercolours to create tone and meaning. The children will work towards creating a final piece, which will be displayed and evaluated, ready for their next artist.
Mrs Burrows will be leading PE this year in Year 5. PE days are Tuesday and Friday. We will focus on fundamental skills in one session and a sports focused skill with some games in the other. This will allow the children to challenge themselves to a personal best each for each skill as well as working towards their PE cogs (skills). Please encourage your children to show and practise everything we have learnt so far.
This subject is very important and well liked in our classroom. We will be learning lots about ourselves, exceptional communication and how to be a well-respected member of society. This lesson allows children to ask questions and to explore challenges faced in everyday lives. If any difficult topics are covered in class, we will send home a letter to inform you – so children, staff and guardians are connected.