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Our Painsley MAC Values


Opportunities for all to develop a relationship with God and to practise Jesus’ teachings

Associated Gospel value: purity and holiness

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: human dignity


Outstanding education for all pupils regardless of their background

Associated Gospel values: faithfulness and integrity/dignity and compassion

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: family and community/solidarity and the common good

People Really Matter!

CPD for all staff to ensure they become the best version of themselves

The very best learning opportunities for our pupils

Associated Gospel value: dignity and compassion

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: dignity of work and rights of the workers/solidarity and the common good

Leadership (Board/LGBs/Executive Leaders/Principals/Subject Leads/Pastoral Leads/SBMs)

Leaders who are relentlessly positive

Strong courageous leadership habits within every leader; be bold, be brave!

Associated Gospel value: sacrifice and service

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: stewardship of God’s creation/rights and responsibilities

Workplace Culture

Work in an environment in which people feel safe, seen, heard and respected

A culture of talking straight, demonstrating respect, confronting reality, clarify expectations, keep commitments

Have high expectations of everybody and value them at all times

Associated Gospel values: tolerance and peace/mercy and forgiveness

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: promoting peace/dignity of the human person/preferential option for the poor

Education for all

Develop reading amongst all stakeholders: leaders/teachers/support staff/pupils

Individuals have knowledge of themselves as learners, of strategies, and of tasks (metacognition)

Associated Gospel values: justice and truth/faithfulness and integrity

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: rights and responsibilities/solidarity and the common good/stewardship

Outward facing

Encourage external support; reading; research; best practice; excellence

Associated Gospel value: humility and gentleness

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: family and community/solidarity and the common good

Focus on Curriculum

Knowledge-rich curriculum: clarity of the invaluable knowledge we want our pupils to know

Well-planned sequencing, which allows pupils to remember what they have been taught. Identify gaps in knowledge in terms of: missing knowledge/inert knowledge/naïve knowledge/ritual knowledge

A rich conception of knowledge that includes the skills and attitudes that contribute to success. Misconceptions are identified

The main points and knowledge for the lesson needs to be clearer in the pupils’ books to aid revision and recall

Associated Gospel values: sacrifice and service/faithfulness and integrity

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: rights and responsibilities/preferential option for the poor

Cultural Capital

Expose all individuals to the best of the best in every aspect of their role as leader/teacher/learner!

Associated Gospel values: faithfulness and integrity/justice and truth

Associated Catholic Social Teaching: family and community/rights and responsibilities
