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Year 4




Welcome to Year 4! 

Class Teachers:

Mrs. Brookfield teaches on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Miss Tucker teaches on a Monday and a Friday.

Mrs English is our teaching assistant.

Our class saint is:


Saint Vincent de Paul.


Saint Vincent de Paul is considered to be the patron saint of charities and volunteers. He is known as 'the Apostle of Charity' and the 'father of the poor'.


His feast day is September 27th.



Summer Term:





We are continuing our units on fractions and decimals at the beginning of the summer term before moving on to money and then time. During the second part of the term, we will be looking at statistics and  finishing the year with geometry - angles of 2D shapes and position and direction.


At the end of the year, the children will be completing the Y4 statutory multiplication tables check. We will therefore be focusing on times tables throughout the year.


It would be useful if the children continue to practise their timestables at home regularly as they need to become confident and fluent in their recall. 


Link below for timestable checker - this is accurate for the timings provided during the statutory check so the children can get used to the questions. 


Tables checker

Information for Parents



We will start the term finishing our writing process for the character description of Hagrid from Harry Potter. We are then moving on to exploring the art of persuasion and developing our own persuasive writing skills by creating an advert for our school! Moving into the second half of the term, we will embark on a narrative writing journey, using what we have learnt so far and taking inspiration from the shorty film 'Bao'. 

We will be finish the term as journalists, writing our very own newspaper reports!


We will continue to revisit the grammar, spelling and punctuation that we have learnt so far, and will be applying what we know to our writing.


Our class book for Guided Reading will continue as Secrets of the Sun King!                                              



This term we will be learning all things Rivers! We begin by revisiting the water cycle and considering the role rivers might play. We are looking at how rivers are formed, thinking about why they meander and where they are! We will be completing river studies on the Nile and the River Thames and will be taking a trip outside of the classroom to explore a tributary to the River Dove.  We will also be exploring what happens when it floods and the impact that this can have. 



We are starting a new unit for the summer term and will be exploring living things and their habitats. We will be thinking about how different living things are grouped and classified, before creating our own classification charts. We will move on to exploring different habitats of animals and why they are suited before considering why some animals are actually in decline. 


Our final science unit for the year will be all about Sound. We will be investigating what sound is and how it is created. I am looking forward to a special visitor coming to deliver some exciting investigations around sound at the end of June!








ART  -  



Mini maths is set daily from Mon-Thurs, a 10 minute task to revisit core maths concepts. 

English and Maths homework are set weekly on Century Tech. Homework is set on the Friday and should be completed by Thursday the week afterwards. 

RE homework is also set weekly using RE homework books. 


I would ask that the children keep up their hardwork with practising their timestables on TT Rockstars and Hit the Button, they have made amazing progress so far!




Helpful homework hints:



  • Maths

Times tables need to be practised consistently throughout the year. Below are some websites to support you with this.

This website has a nice friendly breakdown of what the new times tables check means. You can also sign up for a free resource pack which includes some great paper based activities. 

Here's a link to the government website and their full framework on the checks in June. 


Below are some resources to support you at home. 



We have been creating poppies to celebrate Remembrance and used the Poppies for a collective worship. The candle and poppy represented the light of Jesus and that it isn't put out, even in the darkest of times.
