Summer Term
Summer Term Curriculum
This term we will begin with our unit about Easter, the signs and symbols associated with it and the story of the Resurrection. We will also cover units about Pentecost, our Church and what it means to belong to God's family. Finally, we develop our understanding of the structure of the Mass and what is taking place.
This half term we will be basing all our writing on the Traditional Tale, the Three Little Pigs. We will be consolidating the correct use of punctuation and grammar, using this to plan and write our own version of the Three Little Pigs. We will also be writing character descriptions, letters and reading the True Story of the Three Little Pigs to decide whether the wolf really is guilty. Later in the term, we will be writing a set of instructions for how to get rid of the big bad wolf and learning how to write an explanation text.
Fractions - Recognising parts and wholes, finding halves, quarters and three quarters of shapes and amounts, developing un understanding of unit and non unit fractions.
Time - Reading o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times on an analogue clock.
Telling the time to 5 minutes.
Know how many minutes there are in an hour and how many hours there are in a day.
Statistics - Make tally charts and tables.
Make and interpret block diagrams.
Draw and interpret pictograms.
Measurement - measuring length, height, mass and capacity.
In Science will will continue our unit on living things and their habitats, learning about the different animal groups and food chains. We will then move on to our final unit - Plants. We will find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy, by carrying out some investigations. We will also be creating a wild flower garden in our school grounds. To support our learning we will have a class visit to Conkers.
In History we will be learning about two significant women from the past - Mary Seacole and Sarah Forbes Bonetta. We will develop our history skills with a particular focus on chronology and interpretation of sources. We will explore each person's life in detail, describing what makes them significant and conclude by comparing their lives.
To supplement our learning we will take part in a Mary Seacole virtual question and answer session.
In Geography we are learning about what it is like to be a child in Muguarmeno, Zambia. We will learn about the physical and human features of the area and compare how they use the river to how we use rivers. We will also compare the Zambezi National park to national parks in the UK.
Using the work of Andy Goldsworthy as inspiration, we will use natural materials to make patterns. We are also going to learn how to weave and create woven art work using flowers, twigs, leaves and grass. We will take a walk to the local park to scavenge for materials to use in our art work.
Design and Technology
We will be learning about wheels and axles and using what we have found out to design and make a moving model of a ferris wheel. To supplement our learning, we will visit the fair where we will be shown how some of the rides work.
In Computing we are learning how to make music with digital tools. We will then compare creating music digitally and non-digitally. We will then learn how to use Scratch Jr to create quizzes using code.