Religious Education
"In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:1
Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Prayer is an extremely important part of life for all pupils and staff at St. Joseph's. Our children are taught to open their hearts and talk to God through prayer. Each class has several traditional prayers that they learn throughout the year but we also encourage the children to use prayer in lots of different ways. Every class from Nursery to Year 6 says the following prayers daily.
Morning Prayer
Father in heaven, you love me, you're with me night and day.
I want to love you always, in all I do and say.
I'll try to please you, Father,
Bless me through the day.
Grace Before Meals
Bless us. O God, as we sit together.
Bless the food we eat today.
Bless the hands that made that food.
Bless us, O God.
Grace After Meals
Thank you God, for the food we have eaten,
Thank you God for all our friends,
Thank you God for everything,
Thank you God.
End of the Day Prayer
God our Father, I come to say, thank you for your love today.
Thank you for my family and all the friends you give to me.
Guard me in the dark of night,
And in the morning, send your light.
Our School Prayer
St. Joseph, you held the hand of God.
St. Joseph, you teach us that nothing is impossible with faith and hard work.
St. Joseph you teach us to love and serve.
St. Joseph pray for us.