Spring Term
In RE this term we will study the Liturgical seasons of the Church's year - Christmas, Lent and Holy week. We will also learn about Reconciliation. We will explore human choices, the consequences of sin, Christ's teaching on forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Multiplication and Division - calculating 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication using the column method and dividing a 2 digit by a 1 digit number using partitioning and with remainders.
Length and Perimeter - measuring in m, cm and mm, converting lengths, finding equivalent lengths, adding and subtracting lengths and calculating the perimeter of shapes.
Fractions - understanding the denominator of fractions, comparing and ordering unit fractions, comparing and ordering non-unit fractions, counting fractions on a number line, finding equivalent fractions both on a number line and bar models.
Mass - using scales, measuring in kg and g, finding equivalent masses, comparing masses and adding and subtracting masses.
Capacity - measuring capacity in l and ml, comparing capacities and volumes, finding equivalent capacities and volumes, comparing and then adding and subtracting capacities.
In English we will be learning how to write a diary and a persuasive advert for a Neolithic house from the Stone Age period. Our History unit of the Stone Age will help us to do this. We will also be creating narrative character descriptions, explanations and recounts after our persuasive unit.
In Guided Reading we will be reading the text 'How to Train Your Dragon' by Cressida Cowell and practising our retrieval, prediction and inference skills.
Our first topic in Science is Rocks and Soils. We will learn about the different types of rocks and how they are formed. We will investigate the properties of different rocks and soils.
Our second topic in Science is Light where we will be learning about what light and dark are, what makes the best materials for sunglasses, what makes a good reflector, how things are reflected by a light source, what a shadow is and investigating shadow length.
Our History topic is Stone Age to Iron Age. We will continue to travel back in time to learn what life was life in Britain thousands of years ago. Working like archaeologists, we will explore a range of primary sources to determine what life was like in Stone Age Britain.
In Geography, we will be studying water, the weather and the climate.
In Art we will be learning about Andy Warhol and the pop art movement. We will learn how to draw in the style of Andy Warhol and create our own pop art icon portraits.
We are learning to read tablature music for ukulele and then performing melodies and chords. Hopefully we will put both parts together to play a melody and chords in groups by the end of term. We will then be learning songs and tying to sing and play the ukulele at the same time.
This term, we will have one PE lesson practicing our gymnastics skills (receiving body weight). Then, we will move to dance!
Year 3 are learning about colours in Spanish and how to describe an object with colours. They also learn about Spanish-speaking countries outside Europe.