Summer Learning
Let it grow
In Nursery we will be learning about growing. In addition to all of the wonderful learning opportunities below, Nursery class are hoping to have many magical moments to share with your children.
Personal, Social and Emotional
- We will share stories and use role play to help us with our approaching transition process.
- We will use circle time activities to practice taking turns, and in play we will use our sharing skills.
- In the role play area children will use their own experiences in their play.
- We will show confidence in making our own choices.
Communication and Language including Literacy
- Read, write, inc games and Fred talk.
- We will use our topic linked books to join in with repeated refrains in stories and rhymes.
- The children will use complex sentences to share ideas and experiences.
Physical Development
- Uses large-muscle movements to wave flags and streamers, paint and make marks.
- Continue to develop movements, balancing, riding scooters, trikes and bikes and ball skills.
- Able to eat independently and to use a knife and fork.
- Uses a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.
- We will use music and movement to explore how marine animals move.
- We will use beach balls and frisbees to develop control skills when throwing and catching.
Understanding the World
- We will develop an understanding of growth.
- Explores how things work.
- We will share ideas about how we can look after our world and put them into practice.
- Explore and talk about different forces they can feel.
- Develop fast recognition of up to 3, without having to count them individually.
- Experiment with their own symbols as marks as well as numerals.
- We will explore and use our problem-solving skills using critical thinking skills.
- We will use natural materials and loose parts to develop our problem solving skills.
- We will use mathematical vocabulary when exploring numbers and comparing amounts.
- We will investigate and create our own patterns.
Expressive Arts and Design
- The children will recreate stories using small world play.
- Use drawing to represent our ideas.
- Children will use a range of resources to create and construct.
- We will use different media to create artistic creations.
All Creatures Great and Small!
In Nursery we will be learning about God's creatures. In addition to all of the wonderful learning opportunities below, Nursery class are hoping to have many magical moments to share with your children.
Personal, Social and Emotional
- To be able to play in a group with friends, and make up ideas of things to do and games to play.
- To begin to manage feelings and talk about emotions.
- To understand how others might be feeling.
- To put on and take off some items of clothing.
- To be able to follow the rules without an adult reminding me.
Communication and Language including Literacy
- Read, write, inc games and Fred talk.
- Starts a conservation with adults and friends.
- Enjoys listening to longer stories and can remember what happens in them.
- Understands a question with two parts like “can you get me your coat and wait by the door please?”
- Uses talk to organise play, eg “let’s go on a bus, you sit there, I’ll be the driver”.
- Focuses on a chosen activity for at least ten minutes.
Physical Development
- Is independent in meeting own needs, such as brushing teeth, using the toilet and washing and drying their hands,
- Goes up steps and stairs, or climb up apparatus, using alternate feet.
- Uses large-muscle movements to wave flags and streamers, paint and make marks.
- Continue to develop movements, balancing, riding scooters, trikes and bikes and ball skills.
- Able to eat independently and to use a knife and fork.
- Uses a comfortable grip with good control when holding pens and pencils.
Understanding the World
- We will develop an understanding of growth.
- Explores how things work.
- We will share ideas about how we can look after our natural enviroment and all living things.
- Explore and talk about different forces they can feel.
- Understand the key features of life cycles.
- Develop fast recognition of up to 3, without having to count them individually.
- Experiment with their own symbols as marks as well as numerals.
- Representing numbers to 5.
- Number composition.
- We will explore and use our problem-solving skills using critical thinking skills.
Expressive Arts and Design
- The children will recreate stories using small world play.
- Create simple models.
- We will use music to express ourselves and explore sounds.
- Express ideas using a variety of media.
- Join different materials and explore different textures through touch.
- Mix colours.
- Use drawing to represent our ideas.
Religious Education
Children will talk about special times with their families.
We will explore different celebrations from a variety of religions.