Autumn Learning
Heroes in the Making!
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Children will be introduced to new peers and build up relationships with others.
- Children will explore the routines of the Nursery classroom.
- We will explore opportunities to discover our uniqueness and similarities.
- Children will explore and play within the role play area relating to their own experiences.
Communication and Language and Literacy
- We will enjoy a wide range of stories and rhymes.
- We will enhance and extend our language and vocabulary throughout our play.
- We will use a variety of tools and media to develop our mark making skills.
Physical Development
- Children will develop their own interpersonal skills.
- We will explore how to move in different ways.
- We will develop our core skills through ‘Squiggle while you Wiggle’.
Understanding the World
- Children will share their experiences of their own family and culture.
- We explore the outdoor area and the Forest School area to gain understanding of the natural world around us.
- We will explore and talk about our own family units.
- Children will be introduced to new mathematical vocabulary.
- We will develop counting skills through play.
- Children will explore rhymes relating to numbers.
- We will use puzzles and blocks to enhance our early math skills.
Expressive Arts and Design
- The children will use the role play area to develop their imaginative play.
- We will explore art from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
- We will enjoy music and movement on a daily basis.
Religious Education
- We will give thanks to God through our daily prayers.
- We will learn about creation and thank God for our wonderful world.