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Autumn Term




The year begins with us developing an appreciation of ourselves and the world around us as part of God’s creation.  We will also reflect on the need to thank and praise God for his many gifts.  We will then move on to think about families and celebrations and focus on the Mass and stories of celebrations that Jesus took part in.  Later in the term, we will develop our understanding of prayer as a special way of spending time with God.  Advent and Christmas will then be our focus at the end of the term.




We start the term spending some time learning how to be great writers by sitting in a good writing position and using the handwriting lines to form our letters correctly.   We will then go on to learn the basics of punctuation and grammar so that we can apply them to our writing throughout the year.  As the term progresses we will write a postcard to another school to tell them about our local area and we will write some non-fiction based on toys from the past.




We are currently consolidating our knowledge of numbers to 10 – finding one more and less and comparing numbers using equality symbols.  We will then explore the part whole model with 10 and use the part whole model to write sentences.  We will then focus more closely on addition and subtraction within 10 before moving onto 2D and 3D shapes.





In Science, we are learning about materials and their uses and properties.  We will think about why certain materials are used for certain objects. Then we will learn about the parts of the human body and the different animal groups: mammals, fish, bird, amphibian and reptile.




In History we are finding out about the past.  What is it?  What is history?  How were things different for our parents and grandparents when they were little?  We will also look at some old buildings in our local area.  We will then focus on old and new toys to help develop our understanding of past and present.




In Geography we are beginning by learning about the UK and the four countries it is made up of and its capital cities.  We will then learn about the difference between physical and human features and investigate the types of physical and human features that can be found in our local area.



We are learning about the art work of Henri Matisse – in particular his ‘painting with scissors’.  We will use his work to inspire our own ‘painting with scissors’ collages.



We are going to investigate different methods of joining fabric and then design and make a puppet.



In Computing we will start off learning about how to log onto Purple Mash and being safe online.  We will then learn about spreadsheets and Technology outside of school.



In music we will introducing beat, rhythm and pitch, by learning a range of rhymes and songs.  We will use the glockenspiel to make our own simple improvisations and compositions and play along with songs we have learned.  We will consider how we can make friends when we sing together and how music tells stories of the past.  
