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Mental Health and Well Being



St Joseph’s Mission statement is:

At St. Joseph’s we always value and respect one another as children of God.  Led by the teachings of Jesus, we grow to love and serve, in faith, knowledge and understanding. 


The statement underpins the fact that we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can develop and learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.


We live by the Catholic Social Teaching of upholding the human dignity of every person.  This is built upon the fundamental truth that each person is made ‘in the image and likeness of God.’  Thus it follows that ‘every person’s life and dignity must be respected and supported from conception until the end of their natural life on earth.’  This is about ensuring that there is nothing which prevents an individual from growing and flourishing in all aspects of their being and recognising and speaking out and taking action when this is not so.


To complement this and as part of our commitment to the wellbeing of our children, families and staff we recognise the importance of promoting and protecting positive emotional wellbeing and mental health. In the first instance if you have any concerns please speak to your child's class teacher. Mrs Duff is the school Mental Health Lead and is in the process of completing the Senior Mental Health Lead Training course.  



We are also able to offer a signposting service to a range of services supporting and promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Children’s Mental Health Support Pathway

This is a PDF maps of Children and Young People’s Mental Health Support in Staffordshire.

They show the local support available to children and young people around emotional and mental health and wellbeing.


Mental Health Support Pathway North Staffs




Mental Health Support Pathway South Staffs




Action for Children deliver an emotional health and wellbeing service. They are there to help children and young people through difficult times. They also accept referrals from children, parents and carers.



Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - Messenger Service 


The AFC Crisis Messenger text service is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. We know that finding the right support is important, especially if you need someone to talk to right now. The service is staffed by trained volunteers who will work with you. They will listen to you and help you think more clearly, enabling you to take the next steps towards feeling better.

They can help with issues such as anxiety, worry, panic attacks, bullying and depression and are here to talk at any time of day or night. 


If you need support, you can text AFC to 85258.





Young Minds A-Z Guide

Our A-Z guide gives you advice on how to help your child with their feelings and behaviour, as well as mental health conditions and life events. We'll also show you where you can get help.


Young Carers

Could your child be a young carer? Do they look after someone in the family who is unwell, disabled, or has a mental health or substance misuse issue. If so, your child can receive help from Staffordshire Together for Carers.  They can be contacted on  0300 303 0621 or via Email:


Happy Maps

Happy Maps was created by a GP in Bristol. It shows parents where to go to find advice for their children’s behaviour or mental health issues.


Five Steps to Wellbeing NHS

Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life. The website has links providing advice about issues which impact on wellbeing such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, fear, panic, grief to name a few.


Cosmic Yoga


This site makes yoga and mindfulness sessions fun for kids - so they can enjoy the physical, mental and emotional benefits early on in their lives.


Chill Panda

Chill Panda is a Family friendly relaxation, breathing exercise and activity app designed by a Clinical Psychologist and recommended by the NHS in the UK.





