Autumn Term
In RE we will learn about the following this term;
Creation and the Story of Abraham to Joseph, Jesus teaches us how to pray and Advent.
In English we are spending the first four weeks of term completing a punctuation and grammar unit of work which we can then apply to all of our writing for the rest of the year. We will be writing a non chronological report about extinct animals and then use the text Charlie and the Chocolate factory to write a setting description and a recount diary.
In maths we are learning about the following:
Place value, addition and subtraction, measure (area) and multiplication and division. We will practice times tables daily.
In History we will be learning about the end of the Roman rule in Britain and the Anglo Saxons. We will work as Historians, exploring evidence from the past. Hopefully we will take part in an Anglo Saxon workshop in school where we can explore a range of artefacts and act in role as an Anglo Saxon for the day.
Geography will be taught by Mrs Brookfield. This term we will be learning all about mountains, exploring the different types of mountains and looking in detail at several well known mountains from around the world.
Our unit in Science is Animals including humans. We will learn about how the digestive system works, teeth and how to keep them healthy and animal food chains.
Design and Technology
It's Bake Off time! We are going to be taste testing and evaluating some biscuits before designing and baking our own unique biscuit. We will also design and make the packaging for our biscuits.
Art is taught by Mrs Duff. Our artist focus for this term is Claude Monet. We will evaluate his paintings stating what we like, experiment with different drawing and painting techniques, before completing our own painting in the style of Monet.