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MFL at St Joseph's...


At St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we want every child to be enthusiastic learners of Spanish and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their God-given talents. We firmly believe that the recipe for success is high quality first-wave teaching in Spanish, which is central to the life of our happy, caring school.


We ensure that children receive an excellent education in Spanish the four core pillars of MFL teaching - Oracy, Literacy, Knowledge of Language and Intercultural Understanding - and that they leave our school with a good understanding of the Spanish language, country and culture, which is ready to be built upon once they reach high school. 


We largely use the resources and knowledge progression set out on Lightbulb Languages, however we adapt this to suit our pupils where needed. Please follow the link below for more details about Lightbulb Languages:


St. Joseph's M.F.L. Curriculum Rationale:

MFL Key Stage 2 National Curriculum

Spanish Club KS1 - Spring Term 2024

KS1 have had great with Mrs Mertz at lunchtimes learning key phrases and introducing them to Spanish for the first time. 

Dia de los Muertos - November 2023

KS2 really enjoyed learning more about how Spanish is spoken all around the world and focused on the celebration of the Day of the Dead - Dia de los Muertos. They learned about the culture and traditions of the day, creating their own decorations and bringing in photos of their own loved ones as 'ofrendas'.

Dia de los Muertos

What children say about learning Spanish at St. Joseph’s:


"We love learning Spanish - it's so important to learn new languages!"



“In our Spanish lessons, we work together, and speak together - it's challenging and completely new."



“I enjoy going home and telling my family what I’ve learned and my parents try to speak to me in Spanish too.”


Spanish National Day at St. Joseph's!

St. Joseph's celebrated Spanish National day, 12th October, in style! Children across the school wore the Spanish flag themed colours, red and yellow, and were able to expand their knowledge of Spain and Spanish culture during an action packed day. As well as receiving additional cross-curricular Spanish-themed History and/or Geography lessons to give them a better understanding of Spain and Spanish speaking countries, the children also all LOVED their flamenco workshop and the one-off Spanish lunch time menu. 


A brilliant and valuable experience had by all!

Lunch time flamenco!

Still image for this video

Year 4's Spanish geography lesson about the Pyrenees, linking to their previous work on mountains...

Special Spanish lunch - Spanish tortilla, chicken and chorizo paella and churros for dessert!




Year 6 leading a collective worship based on the Spanish Saint, 'Turibius of Mogrovejo', including leading the 'Glory be' in Spanish....
