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Spring Term


In RE will be studying the following units:

Christmas, Jesus teaches us how to pray, Lent and Holy Week. 



Multiplication and division - times tables facts up to 12 x 12, related division facts, multiplying 3 numbers, multiply by 0 and 1, multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers using a formal written method and learn how to solve multi step problems involving multiplication and division. 



In English we will be focussing on the following genres - Explanation texts, narrative and recount. We will continue to work on our reading skills in Guided reading using a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, increasing our fluency and developing our inference skills. 



In History we will be learning about the Vikings, which follows on chronologically from the Anglo Saxons. We will explore images of the Vikings and use sources to decide if these images are correct. 



In Geography, we will be learning about North America. We will be looking at the different time zones and climates across the continent and studying Mexico in depth. 



In Science, we will be learning about States of Matter and exploring the particle formations of each. We will also be learning how to measure temperature using a thermometer and will learn about the water cycle. Throughout the term, we will carry out a number of scientific investigations to enhance our understanding. 


Design and Technology

In DT, we will be finishing our sling shot cars and testing them to see which travels the furthest. Then we will move on to designing and creating a pavilion. 



Our artist focus for this term is Stephen Wiltshire. We will be experimenting with line and tone to create cityscapes in the style of Stephen Wiltshire. 


