Summer Term
We start off the term in the season of Easter and this is our first unit, where we learn about the Resurrection of Christ and the Easter Candle. We then have a unit on Forgiveness, where we develop the children’s understanding of the importance of forgiveness as a gift we receive and how we can show love to others. We will also explore good and bad choices that we make. We will then learn about Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit and how this promised gift brought about a change in the lives of the disciples. Our next unit is Sharing in Jesus’ Life, which focuses on Jesus choosing and calling the disciples and how they are an example to us. Finally we will learn about Following Jesus Today, where we think about how we belong to the Church and the different ways we follow Jesus.
We are beginning by finishing our unit on Persuasive writing. We will then look at the features of narrative texts and write our own narratives based on the story of Supertato. We will then follow on from this and write instructions about how to catch an evil pea. Later in the term, we will look at the features of, and write a simple explanation.
Our first Summer term unit is an introduction to multiplication, through grouping and sharing objects. Following on from this we have a unit on fractions – finding a half and a quarter. We will also be learning the language of position and direction – forwards, backwards, left and right. Later on, we will consolidate our number knowledge by working on Numbers to 100. Then we finish the term learning to recognise coins and notes and to tell the time to the half hour.
In Science we will be learning about plants. We will identify some common plants, and recap the different parts of a plant. We will also learn about the differences between fruit and vegetables. Then we will look at the parts of a tree and learn about the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees.
In History we are learning about changes that happened beyond living memory. We will find out about the Wright brothers’ first flight – how they launched the first flight, how they succeeded and how we know about them today. We will then move on to learn about Amy Johnson, who was the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia.
We are learning lots of Geographical facts: the names of the 7 continents, the 5 oceans and the 4 countries of the UK. We will then do some local fieldwork to investigate physical and human features of the local area. Finally, we will compare a coastal area with a non-coastal area.
We are learning about the artist Alfred Wallis. We will study his work, experiment with some of his techniques and then design and paint our own seascape.
Design and Technology
During the first half term, we are looking at the structure of a windmill and using a template to design and make a windmill that is a home for a mouse. Then in the second half term we will be taking part in a little inventors challenge.
In Computing we will be doing some coding and learning to move a robot.