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Autumn Term



Our units in RE this term are Belonging to God's Family and We Listen to God's Word at Mass. We will learn about being welcomed into the family of God through the Sacrament of Baptism. 

We will learn about the structure of the Mass and why is it important to listen to the Word of God. We will hear and respond to Old Testament stories and New Testament Parables that give us a message of how to live as a members of God's family. 




During the Autumn term, Year 3 will be exploring the place value of grammar and punctuation. This unit will inform our writing for the rst of our year. After this, we will be exploring different genres of writing using themed books as our stimulus.  




In Maths we will revise our understanding of place value in 2 digit numbers before moving on to 3 digit numbers. We will learn about greater than and less than and place numbers up to 1000 on a number line. Once our place value understanding is secure, we will learn how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers using the column method. We will also be learning our 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will use the 22 Club to help us learn them. 




Our topic for Science Animals, including humans. We will be naming and sorting animals according to their diet, using the key words omnivore, herbivore and carnivore. We will learn about eating healthy foods, the 5 main food groups and a balanced diet. 

We will also learn about the human skeleton and how our muscles work. 




In History, we will be learning about the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. This will include a visit which will provide highly-engaging learning.  




This term, our geography is all about trade. We will learn about where our shopping items come from and how these items end up on the shelves. We will look closely at supply chains, importing and exporting.




In Art we will be basing our work on the famous sculptor Antony Gormley. We will develop our sketching skills by drawing some famous sculptures. We will use watercolour techniques to create an image of ourselves and then become sculptors as we work with clay to create human form sculptures.


D & T


Our first focus is Structures whereby we will be constructing a castle. We will be learning more about advanced construction techniques and plan for complex arrangements of structures with continual emphasis on evaluating throughout. We will also be studying the features of castles, learning how nets make up structures and can make them stronger.





In music we will be beginning to write music down.  We will explore how musical symbols can be written on a stave to help us to remember what we are going to sing or play.  We will also be having lots of fun playing together as a band.  We will be considering how music brings us closer together and asking what stories does music tell us about our past.
