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Autumn Term

Autumn Term 2023


Our Vehicle for this half term is

'Marvellous Me!'



We will spend time getting to know each other and making friends.  We will look at what makes us special and unique, and we will celebrate the similarities and differences between ourselves and our friends.  We learn about our own emotions, our senses and our bodies, and how amazing we all are!  As we are all so special we need to make sure we can take care of ourselves, this will involve talking about healthy eating and physical exercise.


There are lots of books to read in our book corner about ourselves and our families, and we will make a special time to share these books with each other.  We will look at our houses and where we live, and we will have lots of opportunities to be creative, making models and drawing pictures of our families and friends. 


We will produce a short fitness video demonstrating how we can keep ourselves healthy by exercising regularly and eating healthily.



Here is a summary of all the other things we will be learning about in Reception Class over the next few weeks.



In our R.E. lessons we will be learning about the story of creation, drawing pictures and writing captions about the story.  We will also create our own prayers and learn about the Bible, which is God's book.  

We will will then learn about the celebrations Jesus had with his family and friends, and discuss who cares for us in our own families.


Personal and Social Development


Children will begin to learn the daily routines of the Reception classroom.  They will get to know eachother and make good friendships.  They will to recognise their own emotions and be able to talk about them.  They will learn to share the resources of the classroom and be able to work collaboratively with their peers.  The children will take an active role in formulating the class rules. 

Physical Development

Gross Motor Skills - Running, hopping, jumping, skipping, throwing, catching

Fine Motor Skills - Manipulating dough and small objects, scissor skills, threading, lacing, using tweezers, pencil grip. 


Literacy Development (including Communication and Language)


Read Write Inc. Phonics - Begin to recognise, sound out and write the single letter sounds.


Talk Through Stories



Comprehension Activities; Introduction, read the story, What's the problem? Favourite phrases, Freeze frame feelings, Join in the story, How is the problem solved? Nice or not nice, Quiz the character.

Vocabulary Activities; Repeat, learn and use Tier Two vocabulary words.


Maths Development


We will start our maths learning by looking at the similarities and differences of different objects, and be able to sort them using a variety of criteria.  We will then look at patterns, being able to recognise, continue and make up our own patterns.

We will also be learning all about the numbers 1-5.  We will be learning how to represent these numbers in different ways.  We will be able to recognise these numbers in different contexts and become competent in the composition of these numbers.  We will also be able compare these numbers.



Understanding the World


We will learn about family life and discuss the things we enjoy doing, including hobbies, celebrations, family customs and routines. We will compare our facial features and make observational drawings and measure ourselves.  We will look at pictures of when we were babies and consider how we have changed.  We will think about the likes and dislikes of the class, and discuss our similarities and differences.

The children will learn about their bodies and their senses, and discuss how we can keep ourselves healthy.  We will also learn about the season of Autumn and how our environment changes from Summer to Autumn.



Expressive Art and Design

We will create portraits of ourselves and our families using different media and techniques.  We will learn how to use different tools competently and safely.  We will enjoy and learn different songs and share music we like from home.  We will experiment with how to express ourselves using music, dance and song.

