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Spring Term

Spring Term Curriculum in Year 2:



Term starts with our learning about Christmas, building on our knowledge of the Christmas story from Year 1 and understanding the importance of the event.  Later in the term, we will learn about the Parables and Miracles of Jesus and then Special Celebrations such as Baptism and Marriage before we learn about the importance of forgiveness during Lent.



Recounts are our first text type and we will be reading Little Red Riding Hood and writing our own recount diaries. We will then be learning how to write a non chronological report using our knowledge of famous explorers. 



We are starting the term learning about shape. We will be naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes and sorting them according to their  properties. We then move on to Multiplication and Division, recognising equal and unequal groups and how this relates to repeated addition and subtraction and the multiplication and division symbols.  



In Science we are learning about Animals, including humans. We will learn that all animals have offspring and explore the life cycles of frogs and chickens. We will also learn about the conditions needed to survive. We will look closely at our bodies and think about how we can stay healthy by exercising and having good hygiene. 



In Geography we are learning about the weather in the UK in the first half of the term, will will then explore polar regions. We will learn about seasonal and daily weather patterns, comparing those of the UK with Antarctica. We will also explore the features of Antarctica. We will watch some weather forecasts and create our own in the style of a weather reporter. We will also keep a weekly weather diary. As we are unable to visit a polar region, we will create our own in the hall and explore what the area is like. 



History is all about explorers.  We begin with Ibn Battuta and his travels, then we find out about Captain Scott and his expedition to the South Pole which links nicely to the work we are doing in Geography. As well as learning key facts about these explorers, we will also explore the meaning of the term significant and why these explorers are remembered today. 



In Art we are studying the famous British artist David Hockney.  We will work on our mark making skills, practising techniques such as cross hatching and stippling.  Our final outcome will be to create a landscape, canvas oil painting in the style of Hockney. We will display these in a pop up art gallery for parents to come and view. 


Design and Technology:

In Design and Technology we are learning about pivots and levers and using this knowledge to create a moving monster made from cardboard and split pins. 



In PE we will be practising our gymnastics skills focussing on spinning, turning and twisting then stretching, curling and arching. 



Our unit this term is digital writing. We will be using 2Write on Purple Mash to develop our typing skills. 


In the first part of the spring term children will be exploring feelings through music by listening, playing and singing.  Then, they will move on to create their own musical story in the second part of the term.  They will be encouraged to use a range of percussion instruments, including the glockenspiel to improvise and compose to make their own music.  They will be also thinking about how music forms part of their lives and how it makes the world a better place.
