Corona Virus Letter to Parents 17th March 2020
Tuesday 17th March 2020
Dear Parent/Carer
I must thank you for your wonderful response to our contingency planning process. As our multi-academy motto states, we are ‘Better Together’.
In line with government advice, you or someone you live with are now asked to stay at home for 14 days if they have either a high temperature (37.8 degrees and above), breathing difficulties or a new, continuous cough. This will help to protect others in the community while they are infectious. The government has advised that, if a person has these symptoms, they should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. They do not need to contact NHS 111 as the NHS will not be testing people who are self-isolating with mild symptoms. The government is clear that, if a pupil/student or a member of staff is in self-isolation, they:
- must stay at home.
- must not go to public areas, and must not use public transport or taxis.
We ask you to use your judgement and thank you, in advance, for your co-operation regarding the above. Absences will not be authorised if a child is simply kept at home if they, or a person they live with, are not displaying any symptoms or is seen in public as this does not follow the government guidelines.
If your child is in self-isolation due to a family member being ill, he/she should continue to work at home using Purple Mash
We ask for your understanding if classes have to be merged or taught in larger groups in school due to staff being in self-isolation.
We have taken the following additional actions:
- Cancelled planned trips between now and the end of term.
- Cancelled events such as rewards assemblies with parents etc.
- Cancelled parents’ evenings and other events between now and the end of term.
- Restricted staff attending training etc during the day.
- Cancelled Mac Sporting Events.
I hope you recognise that the above actions are being taken in the best interests of your child, the staff and the whole community.
Once again, I thank you, in anticipation, for your support in these extraordinary times.
Please continue to remember the vulnerable in our society, all coronavirus sufferers and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Sassi