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Geography Progression Document - Whole School

Progression in Geographical knowledge, concepts and skills

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Locational knowledge


(Concepts – Place and space)

Know the names of the four countries that make up the UK and name the three main seas that surround the UK


Know the names of and locate the seven continents of the world


Know the names of and locate the five oceans of the world


Know the name of and locate the four capital cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Know the names of and locate at least eight European countries


Know the names of and locate at least eight counties and at least six cities in England


Know the names of four countries from the southern and four from the northern hemisphere

Know the names of and locate at least eight major capital cities across the world


Know where the main mountain regions are in the UK

Know, name and locate the main rivers in the UK


Know where the equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and the Greenwich Meridian are on a world map


Know what is meant by the term ‘tropics’




Know the names of a number of European capitals


Know the names of, and locate, a number of South or North American countries


Know about time zones and work out differences


Place knowledge


(Concepts – Place,  space and interconnections)

Know features of hot and cold places in the world


Know the main differences between a place in England and that of a small place in a non-European country


Know at least five differences between living in the UK and a Mediterranean country



Know key differences between living in the UK and in a country in either North or South America


Human and Physical Geography


(Concepts – Environment, interconnections and physical and human processes)

Know which is the hottest and coldest season in the UK

Know and recognise main weather symbols


Know the main differences between city, town and village


Identify the following physical features: mountain, lake, island, valley, river, cliff, forest and beach


Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city or village.


Know what causes an earthquake


Label the different parts of a volcano


Know and label the main features of a river


Know the name of and locate a number of the world’s longest rivers

Know the names of a number of the world’s highest mountains


Explain the features of a water cycle


Know why most cities are located by a river



Know what is meant by biomes and what are the features of a specific biome


Label layers of a rainforest and know what deforestation is


Know the names of and locate some of the world’s deserts


Know why are industrial areas and ports are important

Know main human and physical differences between developed and third world countries



Geography field work and skills


(Concepts – place, space and scale)

Know where the equator, North Pole and South Pole are on a globe


Know which is N, E, S and W on a compass


Know their address, including postcode


Know and use the terminologies: left and right; below, next to


Use maps to locate European countries and capitals.


Know and name the eight points of a compass


Use maps and globes to locate the equator, the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the Greenwich Meridian



Know how to plan a journey within the UK, using a road map


Know how to use graphs to record features such as temperature or rainfall across the world


Use Google Earth to locate a country or place of interest and to follow the journey of rivers, etc.


Know what most of the ordnance survey symbols stand for

Know how to use six-figure grid references
